Mirele Plus Size Silk Clothing
Mirele is the rarest of all birds these days: a plus size (only) collection, made in the US of high quality silk.
There have been some delays bringing the brand to market but we hope when it does arrive you will be excited about it as we are!
Please be sure to sign up for our mailing list so you can be notified when we get our first shipment in. (We're hoping sometime in July)
In terms of pricing each item will be in the neighborhood of $20 more than a similar style would be from Citron or Dressori, keeping in mind the price of silk has skyrocketed and it's really starting hit with force for the upcoming season.
If you are very opinionated and would like a discount when Mirele launches please use the red Contact Us buttons at the bottom of the page. We will be offering Mirele discounts of 20% off to customers willing to offer feedback on fit, color, etc.
Their first shipment is going to be blouses, tunics and caftan tops followed by V-Neck tanks and a classic kimono jacket.
Just to give you an idea of what you can expect from them print wise - here are some rough (what's known in the business as) CADs